Grow in Grace
Ladies Conference
March 28 - 29, 2025
"Open My Eyes Lord to Your Word"
Welcome to the Ladies Grow in Grace Conference
We will have Spanish Translation and 2 Breakout lessons
in Spanish. Please when you sign up, send an email to
ladiesministry@eastlandbaptist.com and tell us how many spanish
speaking ladies you will be bringing and what church.
This years keynote speaker:
Sharon Sellers, pastor's wife from Ludowici, GA
Basic Information:
Friday March 28th - 5:00pm registration starts and dinner will be served until 6:30pm. Service will start at 7:00pm and go until around 8:30pm, there will be a time of fellowship for those that wish to stay after the evening service.
Saturday morning March 29th - 8:00am Continental breakfast served until 8:30am. Service starts at 9:00am and will go until around 3:00pm. Lunch will be served.
If you have a business and would like to set up a vendor table, please send an email to ladiesministry@eastlandbaptist.com with Vendor in the subject line. We will need your name, contact phone number and a description of your business.
The cost of the conference is $40 per person. Please register your group and you can either choose to pay with a credit card at the time of registration or bring a check (made payable to Eastland Baptist Church) at the time of check
Hotel info.
We have 15 hotel rooms reserved for our conference (both double beds and King beds). UCF LaQuinta has once again offered our church rate of $99 per room. To get this rate you must call our church receptionist Vicki Young at 407-277-5858, or send an email to receptionist@eastlandbaptist.com She will then make your reservations, they will be flagged as self pay. Let her know how many rooms you may need, they will also use our tax exempt letter. If you have questions please contact Vicki at the above number.
Menus -
Friday Evening 5:15-6:30 - Pulled pork sandwiches (BBQ'd and plain), Baked Beans and Cole Slaw, dessert and drink
Saturday Morning 8:00-8:30 Continental Breakfast
Saturday Lunch (around noon) TBD